Zilka will provide answers to numerous questions regarding the position of women, perspectives on Islam, and the role of society and institutions in advancing toward a better society.
International Peace Day, established in 1981, is commemerated on September 21 as a reminder of the importance of nonviolence, reducing wars, and destruction. In this context, Prof. Dr. Sci. Zilka Spahić Šiljak, the academic director of UNIGeRC (University Gender Resource Center) and director of TPO Foundation, appeared on N1 Television. She discussed the neglect of women’s contributions[…]
The consequences of spiritual abuse are severe. It can lead to diminished self-confidence, addiction, decreased trust, depression, anxiety, and even shake a person’s faith in God. Testimonies from those affected reveal the profound negative impact this abuse can have on their entire lives. Dr. sc. Rebeka Anić is a scientific advisor at the Ivo Pilar Institute of[…]
Jadranka Rebeka Anić is a nun and a Franciscan school sister from the Province of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Split. She holds a Doctorate in Catholic Theology and serves as a scientific advisor at the Ivo Pilar Institute of Social Sciences in Split. We discussed with Sr. Rebeka various topics, including the (in)equality of women[…]
Education on gender-based violence should be integrated into the curriculum, as without it, there will be no change in awareness or behavior patterns. Currently, non-governmental organizations in our country are primarily addressing this issue. The responsibility for introducing such education in schools rests at the cantonal level, while the Federal Ministry of Education and Science only has[…]
Scientist, professor, and activist Zilka Spahić Šiljak is the author of a regional study on gender-based violence and discrimination conducted at 18 universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia, and Montenegro. The biggest challenge was engaging educators and helping them understand that this is not merely a women’s issue. Source: https://www.nacional.hr/zilka-spahic-siljak-na-sveucilistima-u-regiji-nasilje-se-zataskava-o-njemu-se-nerado-govori/ Last Tuesday, at the Faculty of[…]
Source: https://slobodnadalmacija.hr/kultura/redovnica-jadranka-rebeka-anic-marija-magdalena-nije-bludnica-nego-isusova-najbolja-ucenica-i-apostola-ali-trebala-je-sluziti-kao- example-address-589873 No biblical figure—perhaps not even Judas, and certainly not Jesus—has been imagined and portrayed as colorfully and bizarrely in human imagination, legends, literature, fine arts, theater, and film as Mary Magdalene. The New Testament character of Mary from Magdala has undergone a transformation: from a disciple of Jesus, a witness to the resurrection events[…]
Living my faith authentically means that I will never tolerate injustice. As long as gender inequality exists, I will feel compelled to speak out and take action. FER is one of the avenues through which we pursue this, and even if we don’t achieve anything monumental, let it at least be known that we stood on the[…]
Online roundtable “Gender Equality in the Church for Gender Equality in Society” at the Human Rights Film Festival (December 7, 2020)