The consequences of spiritual abuse are severe. It can lead to diminished self-confidence, addiction, decreased trust, depression, anxiety, and even shake a person’s faith in God. Testimonies from those affected reveal the profound negative impact this abuse can have on their entire lives. Dr. sc. Rebeka Anić is a scientific advisor at the Ivo Pilar Institute of […]
As part of the project “Introducing Gender-Conscious Policies in Higher Education – UNIGEM,” the TPO Foundation and the University Gender Resource Center of the University of Sarajevo (UNIGeRC) hosted Professor Ph.D. from Griffith University, Australia. At the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies, “Prof. Dr. Zdravko Grebo” of the University of Sarajevo, and via the Zoom platform, Dr. Đuderija[…]
Jadranka Rebeka Anić is a nun and a Franciscan school sister from the Province of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Split. She holds a Doctorate in Catholic Theology and serves as a scientific advisor at the Ivo Pilar Institute of Social Sciences in Split. We discussed with Sr. Rebeka various topics, including the (in)equality of women[…]
The panel titled “Feminist Methodological Challenges in Research” took place on Monday, May 8, 2023, at the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies at the University of Sarajevo. This event was organized by the University Gender Resource Center (UNIGeRC) and the TPO Foundation as part of the UNIGEM project. The panelists included Dr. Ajla Demiragić (Faculty of Philosophy, University[…]
In just two months, the Informal Network for Combating Sexism in the Media and Advertising Industry identified more than 830 sexist articles published in Croatian media. Among the domestic media outlets, the portal leads in the number of sexist articles, followed closely by 24sata,, and Slobodna Dalmacija. Analyzing the collected examples, the Network concluded that[…]
On March 29, 2023, the International Multireligious and Intercultural Center IMIC Together in Sarajevo hosted the launch of the English edition of the book “Bridge-Builders in (Post)War Times: Guidelines on Interreligious Dialogue,” supported by KAICIID from Portugal. The author of the book, Jelena Jorgačević Kisić, is a journalist for the Belgrade weekly Vreme and a doctoral student[…]
For the portal tač, Professor Dr. Sci. Zilka Spahić Šiljak, the program director of the TPO Foundation, discussed the significance and manner of celebrating International Women’s Day. “Working women are not the only ones who suffer due to difficult working conditions and low wages. Nor are male workers faring any better.” (Clara Zetkin) When March 8 is[…]
Education on gender-based violence should be integrated into the curriculum, as without it, there will be no change in awareness or behavior patterns. Currently, non-governmental organizations in our country are primarily addressing this issue. The responsibility for introducing such education in schools rests at the cantonal level, while the Federal Ministry of Education and Science only has[…]
Allah commands education for everyone, but the Puritans deny it to women in the name of Islam. One of the ways to subjugate people and nations is to deny them education or to devalue it by lowering standards to the extent that the number of formally educated individuals who are, in essence, uneducated and incapable of developing[…]