Women in the Church? In the past, they had more rights than today

Anić challenges the idea of conceptualizing the Church as a woman, a notion somewhat aligned with Pope Francis’ perspective: “The Church is not a woman but an institution led by men. The Pope is urging women to demasculinize the Church and combat clericalism. However, the Church’s division into Apostolic-Petrine and Marian aspects perpetuates clericalism by tying the […]

Fair to yourself and others through a FAIR school?

If I had to describe FER School in a single word, it would be “empathy.” It embodies awareness and understanding for others, free from condemnation, hatred, and rejection. We learn to view both the Qur’an and the Bible through the eyes of others—the rejected, the silenced, and the unaccepted. The principle of “an eye for an eye”[…]

Disciplining Women, or How a Muslim Should Beat a Woman for Educational Purposes

In a time when we are observing the international campaign “16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence” and addressing femicide as one of the gravest forms of violence, even religious communities are joining in appeals against domestic violence. However, some religious authorities and influencers have made statements in the media suggesting that a Muslim man can beat[…]

Martyrs, saints and other women

Review of the Panel “Female Faces of Martyrdom” at the Conference “And You, Sister, Speak!” The second day of the “And You, Sister, Speak!” conference commenced with the panel “Female Faces of Martyrdom,” featuring presentations by Prof. Dr. Asja Demiragić and Prof. Dr. Jasmina Husanović. The session, which included discussions with the participants, was moderated by Dr.[…]

Colliding Female Experiences of Faith with Androcentric Images of God: My Quran Story

I would like to share my interpretation and imagination of a Qur’anic narration. When God created the world and fashioned Adam as the pinnacle of creation—through whom He would later bring forth man and woman—He convened a council of the heavenly realm. This assembly was attended by numerous heavenly beings, including the angels and one named Iblis.[…]


Watch the movie The regional FER conference titled “‘YOU SISTER, SPEAK!” took place from November 16-19, 2023, in Sarajevo. Following online meetings across five courses, participants had the opportunity to meet in person. The conference featured discussions with experts in feminism, theology, education, literature, art, acting, journalism, and legal sciences through lectures, panels, and creative workshops. The[…]

Deliciously Tangy Fruits: Sectarian Nature of Spiritual Communities and Abuse

On the YouTube channel “Jona – Theology and Spirituality,” you can find a lecture by Dr. sc. Jadranka Rebeka Anić, a scientific advisor at the Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar – Regional Center Split. The lecture is titled “Deliciously Tangy Fruits: Sectarian Nature of Spiritual Communities and Abuse.” The presentation took place at the Mediterranean Theological[…]

Interview with Zilka Spahić Šiljak on the Occasion of International Peace Day 2023

International Peace Day, established in 1981, is commemerated on September 21 as a reminder of the importance of nonviolence, reducing wars, and destruction. In this context, Prof. Dr. Sci. Zilka Spahić Šiljak, the academic director of UNIGeRC (University Gender Resource Center) and director of TPO Foundation, appeared on N1 Television. She discussed the neglect of women’s contributions[…]